Cigarette Advertisements
This ad (full length not pictured) is actually marketed as a cigarette brand preferred by expecting mothers! Not only targeted to women but also on the cusp of awareness that smoking is harmful to children in the womb Many of the ads were marketed directly toward women and used happy, cheerful expressions or picturesque ideals of gentleness and caring to 'subtly' correlate with the product This is an example of some of the sexual connotations made in advertisements for these products and how they show the smoker as a "sexy" figure who can get any girl she wants The Tareyton ads were primarily photos of women smoking with battered black eyes, take that as you wish... Included (beyond the obvious issues) because of the interesting tagline that smokers would rather fight than quit and how this mentality directly goes against the apparent primary goal of advertising (despite only 10% of smokers a year switching brands) (Kilbourne, Targets of Cigarette Advertising)...